For Financial Advisors
You may be able to continue managing your clients’ assets while they support charities through donor-advised funds.
If charitable giving is on your client’s radar, consider having a conversation about establishing a donor-advised fund with the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation.
For more than 40 years, we have partnered with financial advisors like you to serve your charitable clients.
We help you understand and assess tax-saving options to make the most of your client’s charitable giving. The Community Foundation is nationally recognized for our philanthropic expertise and ability to handle complex charitable transactions.
About Donor-Advised Funds
What is a Donor-Advised Fund?
- Donor-advised funds are charitable investment accounts that grow tax-free. Our donor-advised funds make charitable giving easy, efficient and rewarding without unnecessary rules or limitations.
- If the fund’s assets exceed $100,000, your clients can empower you to manage the assets on your own platform in a financial advisor managed account, along with the rest of your client’s wealth portfolio. Or, your client can invest the assets in the Community Foundation’s low-cost investment pools.
- Your clients make tax-deductible contributions of cash, stock or other complex assets to the fund.
- Your clients receive online access to their fund and may easily request grants to charities, track the fund’s charitable activity and view fund statements.
- Your clients can name successor advisors to their fund, involving future generations in their charitable goals and giving, allowing you to establish and foster connections with the next generation.
What is a Financial Advisor Managed Account?
Our financial advisor program is a win-win for you and your clients. If your client’s donor-advised fund assets exceed $100,000, you can manage the assets after they are donated to the fund in a financial advisor managed account. Both you and your clients will have access to our knowledgeable, professional staff who empower donors to become organized and efficient philanthropists.
Identify Your Ideal Clients
Think about your clients who fit the descriptions below – they might be an ideal fit for a donor-advised fund. We often work with clients who are:
Creating Legacy
These individuals want to create and leave a legacy for future generations.
Expecting Flexibility
Clients who anticipate a charitable tax deduction now with the flexibility to make distributions in the future.
Growing Assets
Clients who want to grow their contributions tax-free over time.
These clients may be entering a new phase of life transition, such as experiencing an empty nest, nearing retirement, and/or being involved in estate planning.
To Sell
Clients who plan to sell a private company.
Holding Assets
Clients who are holding appreciated assets (publicly traded securities or other complex assets) and have high capital gains tax exposure.
Who Are Private
Individuals who are private about their wealth and/or giving.
Who Are
Clients who are too busy to handle the administrative side of giving.