Nonprofit Search
Find in-depth information about charities located in the Greater Kansas City metro area using our Nonprofit Search, which is powered by GuideStar.
For Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Donors:
Community Foundation donors can use their donor-advised funds to grant to charities across the country. If you’d like to make a grant from your fund, log in to the giving portal. If you’re looking for information on charities outside of Kansas City, Guidestar.org is free to use and provides information on more than one million nonprofit organizations.
For Nonprofit Representatives:
To update your organization’s profile, visit GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Update. Questions? Contact grants@growyourgiving.org or 816.627.3452.
About this directory: All information is provided via GuideStar based on information generated by the IRS and self-reported by nonprofits. For the purposes of data integrity, some information comes directly from the IRS and data self-reported by nonprofits will not appear. Information is not reviewed by the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation. Transparency Seals of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum are assigned by GuideStar.