The Future of Your Giving: Inspiring Your Family’s Philanthropy

June 14, 2024
The Future of Your Giving: Inspiring Your Family’s Philanthropy

What does a charitable legacy mean to you?

When using a charitable giving vehicle like a donor-advised fund or private foundation, you may be thinking about the future of your philanthropy, the impact you will make and what legacy you want to leave for those who come after you. This could raise some questions in your mind:

  • Do I want to set aside money for philanthropy for the next generation to use?
  • Does this mean the next generation will continue to support the causes I care about, or does it feel OK to me that they support their interests?
  • Is there something I could be doing now to have these conversations?

For some people, including the next generation in any decision-making activities, philanthropy or not, can feel unnatural, uncomfortable, or even challenging. As we all know, each generation tends to carry different outlooks and approaches to all areas of life. And, thinking about the future often means thinking about change, which can be hard on families.

We also know that when different generations come together, they tend to have stronger bonds and make better, more meaningful decisions.

It starts with a conversation.

At the Community Foundation, we work with families across generations, highlighting their unique lifestyles and perspectives, to encourage conversations about charitable giving, community impact and family legacies. Our team of philanthropic advisors is here to support and serve as facilitators.

With professional certifications from 21/64, an organization serving multigenerational families who seek to give effectively and together, our philanthropic advisors can help families with multiple generations navigate conversations to help cultivate a shared understanding of the charitable legacy they strive to create. For some donors who won’t name children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews as the inheritors of their philanthropic values, we can help guide conversations that stem from the question: What am I doing today, and how will that impact those who come after me?

Whether you wish to name successor advisors to a donor-advised fund or are searching for prompts to begin talking about philanthropy with your young ones, our philanthropic advisors are available to help you explore what this means to you on an individual and family basis.

Join us to hear from Danielle Oristian York of 21/64.

If you’d like to start this conversation on your own or with your loved ones, we invite you to hear from Danielle Oristian York, the Executive Director and President of 21/64, on Wednesday, June 26, from 4 to 6 p.m.

Danielle has spent decades helping families, leaders, and communities have complicated conversations about change, identity and the future. As a creative systems thinker and a fan of embracing complexity, she brings a constant curiosity and warm presence to her work.

During this interactive session, Danielle will equip you with the tools and resources to help you chart a course for the future while keeping your philanthropic legacy top of mind and engaging the next generation.

We invite you to bring yourself, your spouse, significant others, adult children or any other loved ones who play a role in your charitable giving to explore this topic.

Learn more and register here→

Authored by: Whitney Hosty, Senior Philanthropic Advisor