Contribute Securities

Contribute Stocks and Other Securities

If your fund’s assets are invested separately in a financial advisor managed account, please work with your financial advisor to contribute to your fund. You do not need to complete this form.

If your fund’s assets are invested in the Community Foundation’s investment pools, use the following form to notify the Community Foundation of your intent to contribute publicly traded securities to your Fund.

If you plan to contribute mutual funds or bonds, please contact for separate instructions.

If the Community Foundation does not receive proper notification of a contribution using this form, the securities will be sold and the proceeds will be placed into a suspense account. If the securities remain unidentified despite our best efforts, the contribution will be placed into a general fund and will not be credited to your Fund.

After completing this form, please contact your financial institution to initiate the transfer.

Contribute Stocks and Other Securities

Use this form to notify the Community Foundation of your intent to contribute publicly traded securities to your fund.

Please provide an email and phone number for questions related to the gift.
Anticipated Transfer Date(Required)
For each security you plan to contribute, please include the name of the security, the number of shares and the approximate value.
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