2021 Annual Report

I hope you enjoy the following report, which is a testament to the incredible generosity that flows in and out of our doors on behalf of our donors.
We use the term “donor” to describe the charitably inclined people and groups who set up funds with us. A donor might be an individual who wants to prioritize organized giving, a family who plans to share their values with future generations, an association setting up a scholarship program, a company highlighting philanthropy as a critical element of the corporate culture, or a nonprofit organization investing their long-term assets.
Our amazing team works hard all year long to ensure donors can easily contribute to their funds and grant dollars out of funds. The amount of funds under our umbrella continues to grow, right alongside contributions and grants. We are especially proud to celebrate the $693 million in grants that donors sent to charities across the nation in 2021, the most in our history, with the majority coming from donor-advised funds. After 2020, some feared donors would tire of the constant flow of fundraising appeals, but we saw the opposite. We’re confident donors will continue to respond to needs with their charitable dollars, and we’ll continue to facilitate the response for generations to come.

Debbie Wilkerson
President & CEO
Our assets are held in charitable funds established by donors with unique charitable goals and interests. Over half of our assets are held in donor-advised funds. This chart shows our total assets as of December 31, 2021.
Total Assets: $5,409,840,979
*Other may include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, unrestricted funds and administrative funds.
Donors contributed more to their charitable funds in 2021 than in any other year in our history, donating $1.2 billion in cash, publicly traded securities and complex assets.
Total Contributions:
*Other may include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, unrestricted funds and administrative funds.
Donors use their charitable funds to grant to their favorite causes. In 2021, donors granted more from their funds than ever before, giving $693 million to nonprofit organizations across the country.
Total Grants: $693,249,469
*Other may include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, unrestricted funds and administrative funds.
While most of our donors choose to give through donor-advised funds, we serve philanthropists using many types of charitable vehicles. This chart shows our total funds as of December 31, 2021.
Total: 6,637
*Other may include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, unrestricted funds and administrative funds.
Donor-Advised Funds
Donors use donor-advised funds as an investment account for their charitable dollars, setting aside money in their funds for tax-free growth to maximize donations to nonprofit organizations.
Total Assets: $2,973,354,915
Donors support their favorite charities across the country. The following map shows where donors granted in 2021.
Donors use their donor-advised funds to provide grants to 501(c)(3) public charities, educational institutions and places of worship. In 2021, the average donor-advised fund grant was about $7,600, and the median grant size was $500.
Agency Funds
Agency funds help nonprofit organizations build long-term assets, serving as a home for reserve funds.
Total Assets: $1,465,892,549
Field-Of-Interest Funds
Field-of-interest funds support a specific cause or community. Many of our field-of-interest funds are set up to carry out a donor's legacy after they pass, with an advisory committee providing oversight.
Total Assets: $194,172,708
Designated Funds
Designated funds support one specific charity, staggering donations to the charity over time. Designated funds are especially popular with donors who choose to make a charitable distribution from an IRA.
Total Assets: $162,224,142
Scholarship Funds
Through scholarship funds, donors provided $4.3 million in direct assistance to nearly 2,000 students for the 2021-22 school year.
Donors who establish scholarship funds determine the criteria for their scholarship awards and can serve on selection committees.
Total Assets: $79,897,997
Corporate Giving
We work with employers of all sizes who want to cultivate a corporate culture of giving. Many companies choose to set up corporate donor-advised funds to serve as their corporate foundations. We offer a suite of services including matching gift programs, disaster relief and employee hardship programs, and strategic planning assistance.
More than 9,000 employees used their employers' matching dollars to donate $8.4 million to their favorite charities.
Corporate Giving in 2021:
Grantmaking Services
In 2021, 24 local and national funders tapped into our grantmaking expertise. We take a custom, behind-the-scenes approach with each of our grantmaking clients. Collectively, they hold nearly $276 million in assets.
We help private foundations, businesses and other funders manage all aspects of their charitable giving by equipping them with the tools and resources they need to make an impact. Grantmaking clients also work with us to hone their giving strategies and engage multiple generations in their philanthropy.
Totaling More Than
$35 Million
Assets in charitable funds are invested and grow tax-free. Donors can customize their funds' investments to meet their charitable goals.
We currently work with more than 774 financial advisors who manage their clients' charitable assets.
About Our 2021 Annual Report
Assets, funds and investments are as of December 31, 2021.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.