Managing Your Agency Fund

We are here to help as your agency fund grows.

We are available to answer any questions you might have about the agency fund you set up for your nonprofit organization. For easy reference, we've included a few links that may be helpful as your agency fund grows.

Questions? Contact Nicole, Terrell and Mariah on our agency fund support team at

Investment Information

To change your fund's investment selection, download and complete our Agency Fund Investment Recommendation Form PDF and return to Donor Services at

Want to learn more about our investment pools? Read our FAQs.

Investment Performance

Agency Fund Investment Performance Summary - June 2024

Investment Performance Supplemental Report - 1st Quarter 2024 

If your assets are not in an agency fund mix, view the latest investment performance reports.

Update Your Agency Fund

To make changes to an existing agency fund (i.e. Board Chair change, New Fund Name), please download and fill out our Update Your Agency Fund PDF form and return to

Contribute to an Agency Fund


Please let us know if you plan to mail a check by completing our online form:

Make checks payable to the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, noting your six-digit fund ID on the memo line. If you do not know your fund ID, the name of your fund is sufficient. Mail to our lockbox:

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
PO Box 505661
St. Louis, MO 63150-505661

Please note, the mailing address for checks changed in September 2023. We will continue to process checks mailed to our office in Kansas City.  

Wire Transfer or ACH

To make a contribution via wire transfer or ACH, please complete the following online form:

Once you complete the form, you will receive the account numbers your financial institution will need to make the transfer.