Nicole Stuke
Senior Philanthropic Advisor
If your assets are not in an agency fund mix, view the latest investment performance reports.
To change your fund’s investments, download and complete our Agency Fund Investment Recommendation Form PDF and return to Donor Services at service@growyourgiving.org.
Want to learn more about our investment pools? Read our FAQs.
Download and complete our Update Your Agency Fund PDF and return to service@growyourgiving.org.
Once you complete the form, you will receive the account numbers your financial institution will need to make the transfer. Please note, the Community Foundation is not able to accept contributions to agency funds from individual donors.
Please let us know if you plan to mail a check by completing this form.
Make checks payable to the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, noting your six-digit fund ID or your fund name on the memo line. Mail to our office:
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
1055 Broadway Blvd., Suite 130
Kansas City, MO 64105
To make a contribution via wire transfer or ACH, please complete this form. Once you complete the form, you will receive the account numbers your financial institution will need to make the transfer.
We’re available to help you navigate your organization’s agency fund. If you have questions, contact the Agency Fund Support team.
Senior Philanthropic Advisor
Philanthropic Advisor
Philanthropic Advisor